How KFCE Works
Grandparents, Parents, Guardians, We Can Clothe Your Kids
If you are a resident of POLK, TRINITY, ANGELINA, TYLER, LIBERTY, HARDIN, or SAN JACINTO Counties KFCE can provide clothing for your children, grandchildren or wards, ages birth through High School.
Once your child/children are entered in our records, they can shop every 60 days for most items, and twice each year for shoes. On each visit, they will receive a list of the available types of clothing they can shop for and the quantities they may select. We have a changing room so they can even have a chance to try on their selections.
We even have limited supplies of costumes and dressy clothes.
On your FIRST VISIT PLEASE REMEMBER that parent or guardian must bring::
Your Child/Children to the store
Valid driver's license or Texas ID
Current utility bill
Birth Certificate for the Child/Children
2 Pants (Pantalon)
4 Shirts (Blusa)
1 Dress (Vestido) and 1 Skirt (Falda)
1 Accessory (Accesorio): hat (Sombrero),
belt (Cinturon), or purse (Bolsa) -
1 Swim Suit (Traje de bano) per season
2 Underwear (Pantalet)
2 Pair PJs (or other sleepwear) (Trace Semanas)
Every six months (1/2 Anales)
1 Pair Sandals (Sandalia)
1 Pair Tennis Shoes (Zapato)
1 Pair Dress Shoes (Zapato)
Spring/Summer List
Fall/Winter List
2 Pants (Pantalon)
4 Shirts (Blusa)
1 Dress (Vestido) and 1 Skirt (Falda)
1 Accessory (Accesorio) hat (Sombrero), belt (Cinturon), purse (Bolsa)
1 Jacket (light and heavy) per season
2 Underwear (Pantalet)
2 Pair PJs (or other sleepwear) (Trace Semanas)
2 Boys Undershirts (Camisetg)
Every six months (1/2 Anales)
1 Pair Boots (Botas)
1 Pair Tennis Shoes (Zapato)
1 Pair Dress Shoes (Zapato)2 Pair Socks (Calcetin) and Leggings (Polanias)